Bootcamp Courses #

On the weekend before the main summer school---June 21, 22---we will offer three bootcamp courses:

  • Logic Meets Language: Formal Foundations of Semantics: Shahriar Hormozi, Ryan Walter Smith
  • An introduction to first-order modal logic: Dominik Pichler, Eugenio Orlandelli
  • Topology, Logic, and Epistemology: Adam Bjorndahl

These courses meet for roughly the same amount of time as a full course, but on a compressed schedule. More exact times and locations will be announced closer to the event.

Main Schedule #

Note: links to more information about each course, as well as room locations, will be posted closer to the event.

Time Math/Logic Formal Philosophy Linguistics Linguistics+ NLP and Beyond
9:00 - 10:20 Modern Set Theory - Mathematical Truth and the Multiverse

Michał Tomasz Godziszewski
Formal Methods for Fallibilism

Sam Carter, Jeremy Goodman

Andras Kornai
Linguistic communication and social cognition: an interdisciplinary survey

Daniel Harris, Peter van Elswyk, Paula Rubio-Fernandez
Language Learning in Humans and Machines

Masoud Jasbi
Coffee Break
10:40 - 12:00 Introduction to Proof-Theoretic Semantics

Sara Ayhan, Will Stafford
Modelling Awareness

Xueyin (Snow) Zhang, Gaia Belardinelli
The syntax, semantics and pragmatics of tenseless languages

Yael Sharvit
Generalized Quantifiers in the Wild: Typological Variation and Cognitive Reality

Sonia Ramotowska, Jakub Szymanik
From Logic to Argumentation in AI

Liuwen Yu, Leon van der Torre
1:30 - 2:50 Information Theory

Mathias Madsen
Resource Rationality

Thomas Icard
The Many Faces of Number: Variation in Numeral-Noun Constructions

Roumyana Pancheva, Luis Miguel Toquero Pérez
Logic for Natural Language, Logic in Natural Language

Larry Moss
Computational Social Science on Linguistic Data using Modern NLP

Venkata S Govindarajan, Laura Biester
Coffee Break
3:10 - 4:30 Introduction to Bundled Modalities

Yanjing Wang
Truthmaker Semantics and the Semantics of Modals

Friederike Moltmann
Tree-Adjoining Grammars: Theory and implementation

Kata Balogh, Simon Petitjean
Effectful composition in natural language semantics

Simon Charlow, Dylan Bumford
Current Formal Models of Counterfactuals and Causation

Tomasz Wysocki, Dean McHugh
Coffee Break
5:00 - 6:20 Computational Learning in Dynamic Logics

Nina Gierasimczuk, Caleb Schultz Kisby
Logical Perspectives on Topicality

Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Andrew Tedder
Desire ascriptions

Milo Phillips-Brown, Kyle Blumberg
Probabilistic Dynamic Semantics

Julian Grove, Aaron Steven White
Formal and computational linguistic perspectives on legal interpretation

Brandon Waldon, Nathan Schneider