June 23-27, 2025
The North American Summer School for Logic, Language and Information
University of Washington, Seattle
Welcome to NASSLLI '25! #
The North American Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (NASSLLI) 2025 will be held June 23-27 at the University of Washington, in Seattle. This will be the second in-person NASSLLI since 2018, following NASSLLI '22 at USC. The summer school will bring together students and researchers from many disciplines (computer science, information sciences, linguistics, mathematics, philosophy, psychology, and beyond) for a series of courses and workshops on topics in the interdisciplinary study of logic, language, and information.
N.B.: this website is under construction. Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available!

Organization #
Local Organizing Committee #
For information and questions, please email Shane Steinert-Threlkeld with "NASSLLI" in the subject line.
Program Committee #
- Adam Bjorndahl (chair)
- Elizabeth Coppock
- Wesley H. Holliday
- John Horty
- Thomas Icard
- Shay Allen Logan
- Larry Moss
- Valeria de Paiva
- James Pustejovsky
- Kevin Zollman
For information and questions, please email Adam Bjorndahl with "NASSLLI" in the subject line.